Hello everyone ! I am glad to introduce you to developing technology that can be used in education . Here order is in Powtoon.
Powtoon is an excellent tool to create animated videos. With no payment , students and teachers can use Powtoon to make presentations , informative videos that you can use in their classes. I am definitely sure that colorful and different slides will attract the attention of students and make them focus on lesson. Moreover, It provides students a role in their learning by creating their animated videos , They put themselves in affort which increases their skills, self confidence and such as.
You can edit and choose all topics as you want , there are lots of options to design your pages in different styles. You can add music or voice and put pictures . Finally , for free , you can use backgrounds , themes , characters , prop and gif. These will be enough to prepare powerpoints in different styles .
And finally I created my own animated videos by using Powtoon. It is in my blog , you can watch it and make your comment. 🎆🎈🎗🎀